Pull up a stump and read along. It's a new adventure but I'm still the same.....

Wednesday 24 January 2007

A Blogging Virgin

Hi There

Well I've started, my very own blog. After months of blogging with my family, now it's time for me to have my very own for you all to read about my new adventures, make comments...or tell me to suck it up and get on with it. Arriving in Brisbane after a flood of tears last week has made me realise that everyone should have one of these so we can all keep in touch and let others know what's happening in our world.

Whilst my blog very simple, new additions will be added each day.....or more likely.....every month, including photos etc etc.

So put up your feet and join me on my new adventure.....

Over & Out.



kerry said...

Great Idea Lise, will keep in touch.

Jayde & Diddles said...

Your a cracker!! Hope your enjoying every moment. Must be my turn to pack up and leave now (could only wish). Have fun. Chat later. Luv jd

kerry said...

Might send Gran up, I'm sure she would like to be a Maroon. Mike & I have just come back from Walenda trying to sort out what is left to sell & what was in the sale contact
PS. Mike was busting to get back & see Jake.

Jen said...

Hello there in sunny Qld... I'm all moved in, so i'll call you soon to catch up.
Love Jen