Pull up a stump and read along. It's a new adventure but I'm still the same.....

Friday 5 February 2010

So...It's been ages!

Hi there,

Thought I'd jump onto the blog bandwagon and restart mine! I was just reading through my old posts and holy sh*t things have changed over the last two years! So to sum it up this is what's new.......moved home to Cobar (which I am loving!), got engaged to Al after 9 years (which I am loving!) and am having a Spinks/Travis bubba in July (which you guessed it....I am loving!). Also major development which you all know because I can't stop talking about her, became an Aunty for the first time to Milla Moo which is just fab.

Plenty of other stuff happening but I'm sure i'll get to it one day! Anyway enjoy the rain....

Over & Out

Girls & Milla

1 comment:

Jes said...

Welcome back Lise. Love your baby ticker - nice to see them growing like that hey?