Pull up a stump and read along. It's a new adventure but I'm still the same.....

Sunday 25 February 2007

What a Week

First day nerves kicked in all over again after my ward orientation. It is a full on ward of 40 beds which is 98% full 98% of the time so I'm in for a wild ride I'd say. Everyone seems nice so hopefully they don't eat me alive! So much to learn...so little time!

Onto a more important subject Nik, Az, Al and I went to the Sunny Coast last night to watch Joel (our cousin) play footy. It was so cool seeing him in his Melbourne Storm jersy and playing first grade...sadly our camera died just after the game ended and we couldn't take any photos of him with us....that however did not stop this group of blokes sitting behind us who at the end of the game ran over and asked for his autograph and a photo! Joels reply...'I'm not famous mate' but they didn't care and he had about a hundred photos, very funny.

Onto babies...congrats go out to Amy who had a little boy, Charlie and to Berna who also had a little boy last night, Oliver. Very excited for them both!!

Ok guys we're off to the tavern for a counter lunch I've been craving a chicken snitzel for lunch ever since I left Orange. Good luck to my Dad in cricket today :)

Over and Out.


Monday 19 February 2007

New Kid on the Block

Hey There

Well today was the day....D Day....or as I prefer to call it....my dose of reality. Back into working life with a bang at the hospital today. So much to learn and trying to convert my NSW brain into this QLD system will take some time.

Am pleased to report that I've been allocated the surgical/ortho ward which is a relief as I don't really do sick people but love theatre cases so am happy with that allocation. After 14 weeks I will move to a different area.

So after a big day of paperwork and introductions I'm off to Netball.

Hope everyone had a fabbo weekend.

Over & Out.


Wednesday 14 February 2007

Its a girl....a boy, a B'day & Valentine's Day

Over the past few days there have been three babies born! So Congrats to Nikki's friend Kate who had a little boy Baeden, Congrats to Kristy Cordina (nee Davis) who had a little girl 7lb 2oz Amelia Rose and finally to Kel Sweeney (nee Tighe) who had a bouncing 6lb 5oz baby boy last night Nicholas Reginald. It's all happening! Now we're just waiting on Bern and Amy. So congrats to all the new Mum's and Dad's out there....slightly clucky can you tell! Calm down Mum, not for a while yet though.

Nik, Aaron and I went to the movies yesterday to see Employee of the Month, save your $$ and wait till it comes on pay, I wasn't a fan at all but the shopping afterwards was right up my alley! We're off to the big smoke today firstly for Summer's birthday so we can have lunch with her (Happy Birthday Sum!) and secondly so Nik can possibly score herself a great job in Sum's building which would be great for her.

Ok people have a great day, Cross your fingers for Nik,play safe and have a happy Valentines Day.

Over and Out.


Friday 9 February 2007

Ahhhh Friday

A post today to wish everyone a happy friday! Hope everyone has a fantastic and safe weekend. Only one sleep to go until my fabulous sister arrives. I've been dying for her to get here so we can fill in my last week before I start work with shopping, coffee, movies and the beach....I am currently craving female company....In the words of the wise Alexis...boys just don't understand the importance of shopping & delicious coffee.

More important than coffee....No babies yet. For those of you who don't know five yep thats right FIVE of my friends are due to have babies in the next ten days...you know who you are and if you're reading this....I can't wait to hear from you guys when your little bubba is here...for four of them this will be their first baby...how exciting!

Well the air con & the couch are calling me, it's only 80% humiditiy here today (can you believe it...gross!)

Be good. Over & Out.


Tuesday 6 February 2007

A couple of things...

Well I finally got around to posting some photos of my Australia Day shenanigans, what a drama! Photos L-R: Alastair trying to fan himself - Packy with his winning trophy for Red Rocket Destination Anywhere - Wade & Az - Al & Lise - Katie, Lise & Sum. What a day. My computer obviously doesn't enjoy posting photos onto my blog but it is going to have to quickly get over that. Also I have to send a few shout outs, firstly to Lex and Bugs...happy birthday chicks! God it feels like only the other day we were at Bugs 21st! Secondly to Daneeca, hope you had a fantastic hen's day, I was sad I couldn't be there but Leck was able to send me some fabulous photos of your day...not long to go now princess! Thanks heaps Leck for keeping me up to date with all the photos, phone calls, emails and SMS's of life back home, I would be lost without you!

Finally congrats and hi to Mum she started her new job yesterday after a lifetime at her last one! I'm sure she blitzed it and the kids would have loved her.

Over & out. Mwa Mwa


Friday 2 February 2007

Relax & Enjoy

Hi All

Relax and Enjoy....I'm over it! I am getting bored not working and this bloke that I called about casual work until I start full-time has NOT called me back....I used to work in recruitment & that is like shooting yourself in the foot! Anyhoo Al starts work on Monday (thank God, our bank account is feeling it!) and he's looking forward to it. It's still another 2 weeks till I start....I honestly don't know how anyone could stand to be unemployed....how freakin' boring. To fill my time I've been a domestic goddess cleaning everything in site, unpacking and cooking (my Mum will freak out when she hears that!)...have I gone mad!

I cannot wait until I start my new job, Sum tells me to enjoy my time off, I'm trying but I think I'm just too highly strung to be not working and when you're not working it limits the fun stuff you can do.....So we're off to the beach again today which it is a gorgeous beach at Burleigh to work on my tan (ha ha) and pick up some stuff before Al starts his new job. Relax and Enjoy....it's hard work let me tell ya!

Over & Out.


PS. Orange touch girls I'm mad for updates....how have we been going, what else is goss!