Pull up a stump and read along. It's a new adventure but I'm still the same.....

Sunday 25 February 2007

What a Week

First day nerves kicked in all over again after my ward orientation. It is a full on ward of 40 beds which is 98% full 98% of the time so I'm in for a wild ride I'd say. Everyone seems nice so hopefully they don't eat me alive! So much to learn...so little time!

Onto a more important subject Nik, Az, Al and I went to the Sunny Coast last night to watch Joel (our cousin) play footy. It was so cool seeing him in his Melbourne Storm jersy and playing first grade...sadly our camera died just after the game ended and we couldn't take any photos of him with us....that however did not stop this group of blokes sitting behind us who at the end of the game ran over and asked for his autograph and a photo! Joels reply...'I'm not famous mate' but they didn't care and he had about a hundred photos, very funny.

Onto babies...congrats go out to Amy who had a little boy, Charlie and to Berna who also had a little boy last night, Oliver. Very excited for them both!!

Ok guys we're off to the tavern for a counter lunch I've been craving a chicken snitzel for lunch ever since I left Orange. Good luck to my Dad in cricket today :)

Over and Out.


1 comment:

kerry said...

Please to see you got thru the 1st week. have been talking to Mike & they are off to Batemens Bay to look for somewhere to Live. I think he starts work on the 2nd of April.He & Lee are taking Gran & Vicki as their baby sitters for Jake.
Gran is thinking about moving to Ivanhoe when she leaves Walenda & not go to Parkes. Her decision & I suppose she will be happy there. She may move to Parkes later on.
We won our Cricket on Sunday so we now play Colts in the final to see who plays Nymagee in the Grand Final on the 10th. After the Old Boys Chrarity Challenge.
Talk to you later.