Pull up a stump and read along. It's a new adventure but I'm still the same.....

Tuesday 6 February 2007

A couple of things...

Well I finally got around to posting some photos of my Australia Day shenanigans, what a drama! Photos L-R: Alastair trying to fan himself - Packy with his winning trophy for Red Rocket Destination Anywhere - Wade & Az - Al & Lise - Katie, Lise & Sum. What a day. My computer obviously doesn't enjoy posting photos onto my blog but it is going to have to quickly get over that. Also I have to send a few shout outs, firstly to Lex and Bugs...happy birthday chicks! God it feels like only the other day we were at Bugs 21st! Secondly to Daneeca, hope you had a fantastic hen's day, I was sad I couldn't be there but Leck was able to send me some fabulous photos of your day...not long to go now princess! Thanks heaps Leck for keeping me up to date with all the photos, phone calls, emails and SMS's of life back home, I would be lost without you!

Finally congrats and hi to Mum she started her new job yesterday after a lifetime at her last one! I'm sure she blitzed it and the kids would have loved her.

Over & out. Mwa Mwa


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