Pull up a stump and read along. It's a new adventure but I'm still the same.....

Wednesday 28 March 2007


Ahhh two days off mid-week what will I do with myself! After working night duty last week, having Sunday off and then back to work, two days off suits me down to the ground! But almost a disaster this afternoon Judy (my NUM) says to me 'Ahh Lise your holidays might be shot' .... 'oh' I reply (even though they wanted us to take holidays in our first rotation) 'but it's for my grad' I plead (secretely it's not the worst thing in the world if I miss it but I'm absolutely busting to get to Orange and see everyone!!). And so we go back and forward....but it must be my charm because I got my week off!! So home in May & can't wait!!

Heading to the footy on Friday night with Al & his brother which should be great fun. Even though I'm working Saturday afternoon, hopefully I'll be able to have a few drinks while the Broncos are getting flogged!

Have a good week everyone.



Thursday 22 March 2007

Happy birthday to you....

Happy birthday for today to Kerry, Al's Mum. Hopefully you had a nice day and you were spoilt, we wished we were there with you to share it! Also wishing the gorgeous Leck a very happy birthday for tomorrow!! Am very sad that I won't be able to attend your dinner :( but i'll expect loads of photos (as per the norm!).

First night of night shift last night so am feeling a bit incoherent at the moment. Had a good sleep, as much as you can anyway in 35 degree heat and 100% humidity! Only two to go so looking forward to my first full weekend off (will try not to sleep through much of it!).

Over & Out.


Wednesday 21 March 2007

So cute.....but what a morning!

Hey People

So we go to Ticketek for state of origin tickets at 8am this morning thinking we're early for game 1....ahhh no....game 1 sold out in fifteen minutes!!! So after much deliberation we decided on game 3 (also up here). We were a bit dubious cause what if it's a dead rubber and it's crap!!! Anyway we've got them now so we'll just have to wait and see, who knows it could be the massive decider and be awesome, we'll see. The chick at Ticketek gave us (Sum, Bek and I) attitude so we pretty much walked out mid-conversation and braved the internet to get them. God if you hate your job that much....don't do it just quit....she was a tool!

Onto much cuter people, check out my new cousin Jake born on his Dad's birthday in January. This is at his christening in Ivanhoe where my Dad is his very proud Godfather. What a cutie.

Right, night duty tonight so apologies in advance for any vague comments or phone conversations you may encounter!

Love love


Tuesday 20 March 2007

Not long now...

Blog mad today but just wanted to say it's not long now until Manda (on the right of this gorgeous pic) & Kurt venture O/S! You guys will have an absolute ball & Al and I will miss you!! We will expect plenty of postcards and loads of emails!?

Ahhhhh I'd love to be going O/S....for now the bustling metropolis of downtown Ipswich will have to do. Once again the couch is calling. Love Love.


Oh No

Just a quick shout out to Jayde...hope you're ok mate after the rugby. Doesn't look great in the photo but hope everything's cool.

Get well soon!


Down on the Wibba

Here are a few piccies from a few weeks ago when Nik, Az and I ventured out on the Brisbane River (which is absolutely beautiful....for a river) for some fishing. For those of you who don't know I absolutely love fishing but I hate touching fish or eating them. So after I eventually hook something (lets just say I'm no Rex Hunt) I let out a few squeals and 'Ewww get it off!' before someone comes to my rescue and releases my catch. One day I will learn how to do it I'm sure. Poor Al was at work so he couldn't come with us but we had an absolute ball....before the rain anyway!

Currently am feeling a little guilty, I've got three days off before I start Night Shift. What to do!! Aside from the fact that everyone else is at work I am making quality use of the Foxtel and the couch! I might venture down to the new shopping centre that's opened up near our place to have a squizz but really I just want to vegetate!

Anyhoo Will & Grace are calling....and oh check out my sexy uniform...ha!


PS. Congrats to my old touch team on winning the GF....I miss you guys!

Tuesday 13 March 2007

A beautiful bride

Congrats go to Daneeca and Guy for getting married on Saturday the 10th. Detailed accounts from my source (the gorgeous Ms Babos) tell me that it was a beautiful ceremony and reception and that Neak looked stunning. I was really sad I couldn't get there due to work, but I can't wait to catch up with everyone to see all the photos!

Headed down to the Beach after work the other day because up here in sunny QLD we are experiencing a freakin' heatwave only to get to the Goldie and be pounded by rough surf and shark sightings. Needless to say we were only there for about an hour before I cracked it and had had enough. I love that we're only 45 mins from the beach but in all honesty I would love to live right on the beach on the Sunshine Coast. Oh well maybe one day!

Have a great week everyone.

Over & Out


Tuesday 6 March 2007

Our 1st Win

Just a quick congratulations to my netball team....the Steelpro Chicks or 'Blue Steel' as we like to call ourselves....we had our first win last night. It was a hard fought victory with blood shed and victory beers consumed afterwards. We killed 'em....let's hope our winning ways continue.

Happy Tuesday everyone.

Over & Out.


Friday 2 March 2007

Dropping In..or Dropping Off

OMG what a week! I feel like I could sleep for the next 48 hours. My first block of shifts on the ward have been flat out, full on but great. No one has died (trust me that's always a bonus!) and I felt like I'm on top of things....until today and it all came tumbling down around me....or really not just me but the whole ward. Arrests, bleeds, assults, prison guards and cops....I was literally walking around all day with my jaw on the ground...so much so Anita (another Grad) said to me 'Holy crap what about your shift today!' All I could do was manage a smile and think to myself I can't wait to get home and have a relaxing beer in the spa!

Ok so get home, Alastair's leg looks like it's about to explode. After a waiting for over an hour in the waiting room of a Dr's surgery this pretentious receptionist finally allocates us a Dr and we get what we came for....kick ass antibiotics and pain relief...not what I expected to come home to after my day. Poor Alastair though is not a happy camper after a touch footy injury gone bad.

So...I'm day 4 of 5 with only tomorrow to go and then I've got three days off ya-ay! I'm off to a girl who I play netball with housewarming party and then who knows what they city lights hold for the remainder of my night! Wishing everyone a rip snorter of a weekend. Be safe, have fun.

