Pull up a stump and read along. It's a new adventure but I'm still the same.....

Tuesday 20 March 2007

Down on the Wibba

Here are a few piccies from a few weeks ago when Nik, Az and I ventured out on the Brisbane River (which is absolutely beautiful....for a river) for some fishing. For those of you who don't know I absolutely love fishing but I hate touching fish or eating them. So after I eventually hook something (lets just say I'm no Rex Hunt) I let out a few squeals and 'Ewww get it off!' before someone comes to my rescue and releases my catch. One day I will learn how to do it I'm sure. Poor Al was at work so he couldn't come with us but we had an absolute ball....before the rain anyway!

Currently am feeling a little guilty, I've got three days off before I start Night Shift. What to do!! Aside from the fact that everyone else is at work I am making quality use of the Foxtel and the couch! I might venture down to the new shopping centre that's opened up near our place to have a squizz but really I just want to vegetate!

Anyhoo Will & Grace are calling....and oh check out my sexy uniform...ha!


PS. Congrats to my old touch team on winning the GF....I miss you guys!

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