Pull up a stump and read along. It's a new adventure but I'm still the same.....

Tuesday 20 March 2007

Not long now...

Blog mad today but just wanted to say it's not long now until Manda (on the right of this gorgeous pic) & Kurt venture O/S! You guys will have an absolute ball & Al and I will miss you!! We will expect plenty of postcards and loads of emails!?

Ahhhhh I'd love to be going O/S....for now the bustling metropolis of downtown Ipswich will have to do. Once again the couch is calling. Love Love.



Anonymous said...

Hey Lise,
Your blog site is cool. It's great to see some photos - finally!
I saved the photo of you fishing and in the nurses get up and Christmas.
I hope you enjoy your 3 days off. Don't feel guilty young lady. You deserve a break after looking after the sick people.
We will miss you this weekend. The dinner party won't be the same without you... boo hoo.
Ok have fun - I miss you and am happy that you are having fun up there.
Lots of love, coffees, shopping and gossip.
Leck 0x0x

Anonymous said...

Hey Liza,
I have finally gotten on here to check you out & see what you have been up too!! Blog page looks good, you musn't really be doing as much work as you make out to have kept this going so well.
Was good to have a chat the other nite. Will speak to you before we go O/S.
Love Manda