Pull up a stump and read along. It's a new adventure but I'm still the same.....

Friday 5 February 2010

So...It's been ages!

Hi there,

Thought I'd jump onto the blog bandwagon and restart mine! I was just reading through my old posts and holy sh*t things have changed over the last two years! So to sum it up this is what's new.......moved home to Cobar (which I am loving!), got engaged to Al after 9 years (which I am loving!) and am having a Spinks/Travis bubba in July (which you guessed it....I am loving!). Also major development which you all know because I can't stop talking about her, became an Aunty for the first time to Milla Moo which is just fab.

Plenty of other stuff happening but I'm sure i'll get to it one day! Anyway enjoy the rain....

Over & Out

Girls & Milla

Friday 13 July 2007

We have Moved...

Into a cute little place just up the road from Nik's. I must admit though I really miss living with Nik but as Al says....'she's just up the road!'.

Anyhoo our new email address is alastair.lisa@bigpond.com

Hope to hear from you all soon.


Thursday 14 June 2007

Some Fun Pictures

Here are some photos from the night/early morning which made me want to curl up and die the next day. All incriminating evidence has been destroyed!


Tuesday 12 June 2007

What a Slacko!

Hi All

Just thought I'd drop in and let you know I'm still alive. I've been very slack with my blog but I've been super busy and there have been a few major developments!! All is going well with work but....I'm moving...yep that's right these last four months have just flown by and as of Monday I move to MAPU which is the medical assessment section of Emergency....scary. I have really enjoyed my ward and have met some great chicks but sadly it's time to move on. Excited but nervous.

Secondly Al and I are moving into a little house. We thought we've been here six months we better actually look for somewhere to live....so it's a cute little place and I will expect loads of visitors. I will be sad to move out because Nik and I have had such a great time living together but she is coming to stay with us for three weeks in August because Az will be away and realistically she is only 5 mins up the road!

We've both had birthday's and on the weekend we headed down to the Goldie to have a night out and do some fun stuff. Fun stuff.....we got home at 5am and I thought I was dying....still do in fact but slowly recovering. I will post some photos (after they have been approved for family viewing...kidding) soon.

Anyhoo I'll be off now and check in again later with some pickies.

Love Love.


Monday 14 May 2007


Finally.....after three long long years and two different uni's Wednesday was the finale. Although it was not a very exciting ceremony it was my ceremony (along with 300 others!). Al & I had a great time in Orange but now I feel like I need another holiday to recover from it....we spent all out time catching up with people and eating and drinking our way through Orange. It was fantastic to see Al's parents and my beautiful Mum & Dad came for a few days which was great.

What was not great was the travelling. It really hits home how far we are away up here and in all honesty I was really sad leaving to come back to QLD. I'm sure though I'll appreciate 20 degree winters up here! Anyway people I've added some photos of my lovely graduation gown (OMG how ugly!) and some family pics.

Until next time.

Love Love.


Monday 30 April 2007

This time next week...

Al and I will probably be ready to kill each other....but we'll cope because we'll be on our way back to Orange for a visit - if we survive the ten hour drive! My grad is coming up (shit time to have it I know....Uni feels like forever ago!) and we're heading home for it, Mum & Dad will meet us in Orange, it should be a great week. I am super excited and can't wait to see everyone, far from being a relaxing week at home, I think Al & I will both be flat out trying to see everyone & catching up on the last 5 months worth of goss....I really can't believe that these last few months have flown by so quickly. It is creepy how fast this year is going.

Work was absolutely crazy this week, half the ward was honestly tripping out...there must have been something in the water because everyone was just crazy this week. I was glad to have today off, in all honesty I was mentally drained and probably would have cried if I had to go into work today.

So due to my unbelievably week full of weirdo's the couch calls.

Happy Happy Monday people.


Monday 23 April 2007

Seriously Amazing

Friday night was great at the footy, was very happy to see the Aussies get up. There were so many NZer's there, probably more than Aussies.....which was slightly weird. .

The ten of us sat behind the goal posts and had a great time....until we got home...look what greated me on the driveway ....they are so disgusting. For those of you who know I absolutely despise frogs so it makes it even worse living here in CANE TOAD country...they are disgusting.

Last night....amazing....Beyonce....amazing. She is one wicked performer and Nik, Sum and I had an unbelievable night. She performed for over two hours straight without stopping and she is better live than on any CD! We had a few z list celebrity sightings....Ricki Lee (the bird out of the Young Divas) & Dan off Neighbours (I think he was on idol too). Great seats and great atmosphere and I would honestly say if you get the chance to go see her, definitely do it!

Wishing everyone a speedy week!
